How we do it

Taste of Immokalee Retail Side of Taste the Impact

Taste of Immokalee is the retail side of the non-profit, Taste the Impact. Taste of Immokalee is a tool that equips high school students with foundational business, technical, and soft skills needed for their careers and the workforce. Founded in 2014, Taste of Immokalee is a student-created and student-operated company with a mission to provide students hands-on experience in all aspects of business, with a focus on social entrepreneurship and giving back to the community of Immokalee, Florida.

Innovation is the key to our success. The Taste of Immokalee Work-Based Internship Program allows high school students to work in an environment that offers hands-on skills and knowledge development through employment. Classroom knowledge comes alive as the student has the opportunity to explore and reflect on academic theory in practice in a dynamic organizational environment. The interns work under the guidance of business professionals and mentors in areas such as accounting, marketing, sales, operations, research & development, food science, and customer service.

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Taste X UF Experiential Program A Collaboration With The University of Florida School of Food & Science.

The Taste X UF Experiential Program is a collaboration with the UF School of Food & Science to bring awareness of the Food Science discipline as a possible career path to high school students. While exploring the Food Science field, students will also be exploring the world of entrepreneurship and how to bring a product to market after creation. This program will be an integration of collegiate and pre-collegiate programs.


  • Show students how the two areas of study (Food Science and Entrepreneurship) can overlap.
  • Provide students with the opportunity to work alongside collegiate counterparts, university staff, and business professionals to bring a product to market from ideation to launch.
  • Provide students with the opportunity to explore different career paths that intersect with the Food Science field.

Taste the Impact In-House Customized Curriculums

Our in-house-developed entrepreneurship curriculums, emphasizing developing soft and technical skills desired in school and the workforce is the secret sauce to our success. The curriculums used in all our programs are developed by our teachers and mentors based on their experience, knowledge, and observation of what they see student are lacking in today’s workforce.

The hands-on immersive learning experience allows students to be engaged and encourages active participation. This approach fosters engagement, critical thinking, and creativity. This student-centered approach to learning creates buy in from students.